Use brute fore, when in doubt.

Protocol buffer on php

First, install protobuf from source $ git clone $ cd protobuf $ ./ $ ./configure $ make $ make check $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig # refresh ...

Multiple git sites using different ssh keys

First, you must use ssh-keygen to generate ssh key for your different accessing git sites. Like github, gitlab, or gitcafe etc. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" Finally, ed...


在某些环境中,系统管理员想要允许极少数用户在可以传输文件到Linux机器中,但是不允许使用 SSH。要实现这一目的,我们可以使用SFTP,并为其构建chroot环境。 SFTP & chroot背景: SFTP是指SSH文件传输协议(SSH File Transfer protocol)或安全文件传输协议(Secure File Transfer Protocol),它提供了可信...

How To Install authpuppy on Nginx

As we know the authpuppy official wiki website only supply the installation guide on apache web server, but as a good result as I practiced, it can be successfully installed on the nginx web server...

How to build squashfs tools on Mac OS X

To squash/unsquash a Linux squashfs filesystem on a Mac, you can build the squashfs tools. A few modifications of the source are required for OS X: The FNM_EXTMATCH flag doesn’t exist in the f...

How To Build openwrt for WR841N on linux from source codes

First, setup build environment, different linux distribution use different method. ignore… Next, fetch the openwrt surce code # git clone git:// Next, install extra pac...

Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run je...

JAVA decompiler collections

JAVA decompiler collections

Procyon open-source, see more Author: Mike Strobel Updated in 2015. Handles language enhancements from Java 5 and beyond, up to Java 8, including: Enum declarations Enum and String switch statemen...